Thursday, 9 September 2010

CEO on the BBC!!!!!

Where's my Equity Card?

Wow! What a morning!!! A BBC camera crew has just spent the morning filming at DD offices on Normanton Rd and Pride Park. We have been highlighted as an organisation not solely reliant on local authority funding with successful social enterprises helping towards the funding gap. The filiming was for The Politics Show on BBC1 to be aired this sunday morning at 11am.

Naturally we are going to have our critics in the audiance and I will be on the show live to answer "queries" to our approach.

A big thank you to the staff at Normanton Rd who agreed to be filmed.

Tune in on Sunday 12th September 2010 BBC1 at 11am.



  1. It is important that people watch the EAST Midlands version of the Politics Show. If you cannot see East Midlands BBC, move. Or get your aerials twisted!
