Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Challenges & Opportunities

Have you missed me? Lol

Well we waited for the spending review and no real surprises there! Individuals and organisations will face cuts and in funding or services directly or indirectly and the question is, what do we do about it? Well there are two possible answers :

1. We whinge, campaign and then when all else fails, we pray.


2. We take stock, tighten belts and make some tough choices which will ensure we survive the next 18-24 months. If we charge for services then we will most likely need to increase to at least keep up with the confirmed VAT rise in January 2011. If you don't charge for services then ask yourselves - why not? Those of you who saw my TV interview on the BBC Politics Show will recall my thoughts on partnerships and mergers. For those of you who didn't, I'll recap in a nutshell, join up with like minded groups, share resources, accomodation and expertise which will reduce your overheads, think about the business opportunities for your group within the national/local personalisation agenda. Talk to your business adversaries and be frank about financial difficulties ahead - MOST IMPORTANTLY, leave your egoes in the car park!

Need advice ring me - 01332 404040
